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Magical Shamanic Holistic retreat in the Amazon Rainforest in Peru

Experience our unique 7 Days / 6 nights of Yoga / Meditation / Ayahuasca ceremonies reteats in the heart of the Peruvian jungle


If you are looking to have an life-changing experience with Ayahuasca, deepen yoga and meditation sessions, and connect with the energy of the jungle, this retreat is made for you.
In Naturalia, you will find a quiet environment surrounded by abondant nature, healthy meals, groups workshops, traditional shamanic cérémonies, natural baths of energy and time, tranquility, inspiration and empowerment.
The Amazon rainforest is a natural sacred and powerful environment. The Yoga and meditation sessions, as the Ayahuasca ceremonies here allow a deeper connection with Nature, and a greater appreciation of beauty and wisdom.
We offer a very personalized care, support and accompaniment as our groups are limited to 5 participants per retreat.

The comedor

Where our lovely cooks Silvia and Jania prepare your meals with love

The Comedor (restaurant in Spanish) is where we all meet once you arrive at Naturalia.
You will be given a welcome briefing while eating a tasty fresh fruit bowl and natural fruit juice.
All your meals will be served here.
Our meals are adapted to your diet restrictions (vegetarian, vegan, allergies...)
The comedor is also a wonderful place to hang around our hanging chairs, read a book, share experiences and ideas, or why not having a restful nap!

The comedor

The Bungalows

A comfortable and quiet place under the canopy

Lay down on your orthopedic mattress, listening to the sounds of the rainforest.
Or maybe you prefer to have a little rest in your personal hammock looking at the many butterflies flying around Naturalia.
Every bungalow has private European toilets with flush, shelves, a clothes hanger, a hanging chair, a table, a jar of water, a big candle, a towel, and a wonderful decoration which gives a particular soul to the place.
We also have a "Deluxe" bungalow which has a private bathroom with toilets, sink and shower available for a little extra.

The Bungalows

The Maloca

Where all the magic happens

The Maloca is our sacred space, or temple where we practice Yoga and meditation.
The Maloca is also the place where we do the Ayahuasca ceremonies.
This place is magical. Imagine yourself surrounded by the jungle, its air, smells, sounds. Imagine yourself laying down comfortably on a mattress, eyes closed, connected with mother Nature at her purest state!
We of course provide yoga mats and blocks.
For the ceremonies and meditations, you will be nicely provided mattresses, pillows and blankets.

The Maloca

Our Retreat Schedule

Let us taking care of you! You are here to enjoy and relax!

Our retreat's schedule is conceived for to make sure all the chances are on your side to get what you are looking for.
During the week, you will have:
- 9 yoga sessions (Hatha, Yin, Nidra, Restorative)
- 3 méditations
- 3 Ayahuasca cérémonies
-1 cleansing ceremony
- 3 Flower baths
- 2 integration sessions
- 4 private talks with the shaman
- 2 jungle walks
- 1 bonfire
- 1 chocolate workshop
There is also plenty of personal time. Please note that none of those activities is mandatory. You are free to participate or not,
This is your retreat!

Our Retreat Schedule

The Fauna

We created a protected area so the animals are safe

Naturalia is a protected area of 25 hectares of rainforest. No one is allowed to walk in without being invited, and even less hunting or cutting trees.
During your stay here, you will be amazed by all the butterflies, dragonflies flying around. It is also very easy to spot beautiful frogs. We are lucky to have small monkeys passing by, up on the trees on a regular basis.
If you are lucky, we also spot sloths! They come down their trees by night around our facilities! We always ask our guests if they want to be waken up in case of an encounter.
The jungle is pretty alive during the night too. Don't hesitate to use your flash light if you here noises around your bungalow. It might be a sloth, monkeys, an ant eaters or an opossum....

The Fauna

The Flower Baths

A beautiful and refreshing cleansing ritual

The flower baths are made of water and amazonian aromatic medicinal plants.
You will have a flower bath before every Ayahuasca ceremony.
The purpose is to remove negative energy and attract positive energy.
The flower baths are prepared by the shaman, and he pours the bath's water on you, in the middle of one of the rivers running through Naturalia.
When it is done, you just have to air dry before getting ready for the ceremony!

The Flower Baths

The Flora

You will never see a tree or a plant the same way

Just by pronouncing or reading the words Amazon Rainforest, we already feel the magic.
We will show you crazy trees with roots growing from up to down, trees which are considered as master plants, like shamanic teachers, medicinal plants, other master plants, what grow in our areas, natural hives and much more..
For those who have been trained, the rainforest is a giant pharmacy. We show you how one plant could be use for different purposes.
Welcome in the world of the plant medicine!

The Flora

Meals and Ayahuasca diet

Or how to prepare our body for the best experience ever

Nowadays, it is unfortunately very common to eat processed food, processed sugar, very salty.
We sometimes drink a bit too much of coffee, sodas or alcohol.
This is the reason why the Ayahuasca diet exists. It is like a detox to prepare our body.
It is recommended to start it 3 or 4 days before the retreat, the sooner the better.
It consists in eating without salt, sugar, oil, milk and dairies, red meat, pork, chili, acid fruits, tea, coffee and alcohol.
All the meals you will eat here are respecting this diet and you will surprised by how tasty they are!
We will adapt them considering your own diet restrictions (vegetarian, vegan, allergies)

Meals and Ayahuasca diet

Shaman and Ceremonies

In the respect of the ancestral tradition of the Amazon

We work with maestros (shamans) who comes from a lineage of maestros. They are from the ethnicity Shipibo Konibo. They originally live in Pucallpa, one of the many provinces in the Amazonian part of Peru.
The Shipibos are considered as the guardian of Ayahuasca.
The maestro(a) leads the ceremony with their Icaros (healing chants). In the Maloca (temple), all the participants lay down on mattresses with pillows and blankets. They are monitored by a facilitator, always pending to react if anyone needs anything.
After the maestro(a) ends his/her Icaros for every participant, flute and guitar are played to bring a feeling of peace and relaxation before the end of the ceremony.
At the end of the ceremony, everyone is free to go back to their place or stay in the Maloca

Shaman and Ceremonies

A bit about us

Who we are and why is Naturalia special

Paula and Manu share the same vision of the world and their love for Nature.
They have been working in tourism in the most remote areas for the past 15 years.
In their past lives, they became Emergency first responders and secondary care certified then trainers. So they know how to take care of people in case of emergency, and most important, how to prevent it.
Manu entered the Ayahuasca and plant medicine world in 2015 while Paula was studying psychology.
Combining their knowledge and experiences makes them a wonderful team to help and support their small groups of participants (5 maximum).
The 2 of them makes a team who can speak 7 different languages.
They put all their love in building Naturalia and they are ready to share their paradise with you.

A bit about us

The Bathrooms

A neat and safe place to get freshen up in the Jungle

We understand and believe that bathrooms/showers are a place that must be neat, safe and of course nice!
So we combined rustic and modern style for your comfort.
Our shared bathroom area has 4 showers, 2 European toilets with flush, and 2 sinks.
Even if all our bungalows have private toilets, we added 2 more toilets in the shared area.
All the water coming out from the sinks tap and showers is fresh and drinkable treated water.

The Bathrooms

Our Furry Family

Because we love animals and we believe they should be happy too

We cannot talk about Naturalia without introducing you to our lovely rescued dogs and cat family.
We currently take care of 5 dogs. 3 of them found us while we were building and never left. And 2 others were found as almost dying cubs around the local native communities and we decided to take them with us and give them a happy life.
Let us introduce you to Gorda, Blanco, Chocolate, Mucura and Mei.
There is also Nube, our beautiful cat. She was a stray cat who was surviving in the streets of Iquitos. She is now living the life in the jungle.
Beside our own cat and dogs, we took as a mission to help other animals in the native communities. We sterilized, took care (by ourselves or sending to the vet) abandoned or hurt jungle dogs.

Our Furry Family

Eco Practices

Naturalia is an Eco Lodge and built respecting the natural environment.
The retreat is built on a protected area of 25 hectares where it is prohibited to cut tree and hunt.
We don't use single use plastic, nor plastic trash bags here.
The water (Treated) comes from water springs in Naturalia's land.
We run electricity with solar panel system.

Opening Times and Prices

We have a retreat starting every Monday of the year.
You just have to pick up your favorite week and book your retreat.
The price is 1490 USD per person and it includes all the activities, accommodation in a private bungalow with private European toilets with flush, all meals respecting your diet restrictions (vegetarian, vegan, allergies) and transportation from Iquitos.

Directions and Travel

To Reach Naturalia, the easier way is to fly to Lima, Perú, and from there take another flight to Iquitos (1h30 flight). There are several companies flying daily, but we recommend LATAM airlines.
From Iquitos airport, you can take a motocarro (kind of tuk Tuk) for 20 soles (about 5 USD) to downtown.
We pick up our guests at the Plaza de Armas of Iquitos on Mondays at 7:30 am in front of the Double Tree Hôtel (Hilton).
We recommend you to arrive in Iquitos at least a day before the retreat starts.

Retreat Features and Activities

Healing RetreatsAddictionsBurnout RetreatsAnxiety RetreatsDepressionHolistic Health RetreatsMeditation RetreatsMindfulness RetreatsPlant Medicine RetreatsNatureYoga RetreatsSacred JourneysShamanic / Shamanism RetreatsSpiritual RetreatsTrauma Retreats

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