Author: Katrina Love Senn


You’ve probably heard that it takes 21 days for a new habit to form. Sounds simple enough in theory right?
But in practice? Well that’s a different story…
Nowhere is this dichotomy more prevalent than in the area of health and in particular, losing weight…
And I mean who doesn’t have at least a couple of pesky pounds (or more) that they would like to shift these days?
So you commit to losing weight by going on a diet…
“Bad habits be gone!” you say.
Of course, we all start with the best of intentions…
We buy the new pair of trainers… Take out the expensive gym membership… We even visualize our success.
And for a few days it actually works… And we’re feeling great!
It’s seems so easy, we can’t work out why we didn’t start sooner…

And then life gets in the way…
If you are like most people, you might see out the week before the inevitable disaster strikes…
You sleep past your alarm… Your boss asks you to work back late… You run out of time to go grocery shopping… A family drama kicks off…
You know the drill…
Our new fangled success gets strong-armed by our old familiar, well-known and comfortable stress relieving habits.
We tap the office vending machine… We skip gym and go for that cheeky glass of chardonnay after work… We break open the box of chocolates that have been sitting there like ‘forever’.
Before we know it, we are back to where we started.
And we’ve got the extra pounds to prove it…

Perhaps you can relate?
I certainly can!
Today I am a retreat leader, healer and author and I feel fortunate to live a blessed life. But things weren’t always so rosy.
I spent most of my teenage years yo-yo dieting and hating my body.
And then just days before my 20th birthday I had a complete body breakdown.
I was more than 60lbs overweight and battling a host of chronic illnesses such as asthma and eczema.
My doctor wanted to put me on experimental medication but something within me just said “no, there has to another way…”
That was the start of my healing journey…
With the help of a healing guide, I managed to heal all of my chronic ailments and lose over 60 pounds naturally, without diets, drugs or deprivation.
Fast-forward to today, and almost 20 years later and I have kept the weight off for good.
I now work with women (and some pretty special men) inspiring them to start their own healing journeys.
I have written 2 books ‘Losing Weight is a Healing Journey’ and ‘Heal Emotional Eating For Good’ sharing my lessons, insights and experiences.
And have spent the last decade teaching my healing retreats all over the world.

‘Weight Loss Healing Journey’ Retreats
I now run my 21 Day Weight Loss Retreat in a luxurious 4 star resort. With multiple pools and extensive gardens in the heart of Ubud, Bali.
During past retreats, I have witnessed some absolutely stunning weight loss transformations.
I know exactly how hard it can be to break old habits and start new ones while going about our everyday lives. And that’s what makes going on a weight loss retreat so special.
During the 21 days people learn how to heal their bodies with food, including how to eat, what to eat and when to eat. So that weight loss can happen naturally.
The hotels in-house detox chefs delight taste buds with healthy and delicious cuisine. I also take guests out to some of Bali’s best health food restaurants.
I personally hand select every activity on this retreat so that guests experience and learn powerful but little-known weight loss healing tools and techniques. To take home with them and apply in their everyday lives.
And to leave you with the words of a past retreat participant…

“It only took 48 hours on this Retreat to feel like a completely new person. It’s a new life for me now! I didn’t know food like this existed. And the restaurants we visited were great also. I even did my first yoga class. I am feeling great. I lost a lot of weight and my kids are so proud of me. I am so grateful to you Katrina and I hope to come back again.”

Author: Katrina Love Senn of Ubud Weight Loss